GNCHR Additional Information - Observations to the European Committee of Social Rights of the Council of Europe on the ad hoc National Report on the cost-of-living crisis in the context of the European Social Charter.

GNCHR Additional Information - Observations to the European Committee of Social Rights of the Council of Europe on the ad hoc National Report on the cost-of-living crisis in the context of the European Social Charter.

The national report can be found here

Regarding the ad hoc reports:

Following a 2022 decision from the Committee of Ministers, which spearheaded the 2022 reform of the European Social Charter, States Parties can be asked to submit ad hoc reports for analysis or review by the European Committee of Social Rights. Such reports may be requested when new or critical issues arise with a broad or transversal scope or with a pan-European dimension.

Following the above-mentioned decision, in 2023, the European Committee of Social Rights and the Governmental Committee have decided to request an ad hoc report on the cost-of-living crisis to all States Parties to the European Social Charter (for more information see here and here).


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