Yannis Moschos holds a Licence en criminologie from the Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium and he is also a graduate of the Department of Public Administration of Panteion University. He has also graduated from the National School of Public Administration. From 1990 to 1999 he served in the Athens Prefecture and the Region of Attica, as a civil servant and subsequently as head of the Civil Status, Passports and Organization & Operation departments. For several years he was also the supervisor of the election teams for the prefecture of Attica. In the context of the European Union and the OSCE, he participated as an election observer on the elections held in South Africa in 1994 and in Albania in 1997. In 1999 he joined the staff of the Greek Ombudsman. As a special investigator he has dealt with issues of civil status, elections, citizenship, residence of foreigners and refugees, military issues, etc. He has participated in missions of the Independent Authority’s role as the national external monitoring mechanism for forced returns of third-country nationals. He has represented the Independent Authority at Equinet (European Network of Equality Bodies) and at the International Institute of Humanitarian Law (Sanremo, Italy). He is currently the Greek Deputy Ombudsman for Human Rights and responsible for executing the competence of the National Preventive Mechanism Against Torture and Ill-treatment (OPCAT).He speaks French and English.