Vassilis A. Pantazis is a Professor at the University of Thessaly. He studied Sociology, Psychology, Philosophy, and Pedagogy in Athens and Heidelberg. His main research activities are focused on the promotion of Human Rights and Peace Education, Rights of the Child, Women’s rights, Minorities, Immigrants, Refugees, Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Roma, LGBTQI, on the fight against racism, on the elimination of stereotypes and prejudice and on issues of social exclusion of vulnerable social groups.
He collaborates with UNHCR, Parent Teacher Associations (PTA), Primary and Secondary Schools, Hosting centers for child refugees, and the Refugee and Immigrant Support Network for Human Rights and Violence hostility against groups of people (immigrants, refugees, Roma, women) which focus mainly on xenophobia, racism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, homophobia and sexism.
His work has been published in international and Greek scientific journals, as well as in books, collective volumes, and conference proceedings. He has also published (essays) in the UN Refugee Agency and the Greek Daily Press, on issues related to racism, immigrants, globalization, etc.
He is a reviewer in Greek and international scientific journals and conferences.