10 years Walk Against Discrimination #WAD2024

On the World Day against Racism (International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination), on Thursday, 21st of March, the Greek Forum of Migrants, for the 10th year, is calling all groups that are currently being discriminated and affected by racism to raise their voices and to declare their determination to fight all kind of racism and humiliation of human dignity.
We unite our voices, the co-signed 103 Civil Society’s Organizations, communities, bodies, NGOs and representatives from wider groups affected by discrimination and racism (PWD, LGBTQI, Roma, migrants, refugees, HIV positive, elderly, drug addicts, people with mental illness, prisoners, religious minorities, etc.). Together -united, we will gather at Syntagma sq. in Athens where we will pass the Award of Antiracism - Tzanetos Antypas trophy* to an organization or a person for their contribution in anti-racism and human rights, and march for the WAD2024.
● Meeting point, on Thursday 21st of March 2024, at 15:30, at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Syntagma sq., where the ceremony award will take place.
● We march together towards the European Parliament Liaison Office in Greece (L. Amalias 8), where we deliver an Open Letter co-signed by Civil Society’s organizations with our demands regarding human rights in Greece.
* The trophy was established in 2017 in the memory of the activist and founder of PRAKSIS organization, Tzanetos Antypas, where each year an organization or a person working on issues of anti-racism and human rights is awarded. This year, the Organizing Committee of the WAD2024 decided to give the trophy to the Recording Mechanism of Informal Forced Returns of the Greek National Commission for Human Rights (GNCHR) for its human’s rights action.
The Organizing Committee of the WAD2024 is consisted by:
● Greek Forum of Migrants (GFM)
● Hellenic League for Human Rights (HLHR)
● Transgender Association in Greece (SYD)
● Racist Violence Recording Network (RVRN)
● Golden Dawn Watch
For more information read the press release (in greek and in english) here