Klimaseniorinnen, the climate activists from Switzerland, are coming to Greece!

Klimaseniorinnen, the climate activists from Switzerland, are coming to Greece!
The Greek office of Greenpeace and the National Commission for Human Rights (NCHR) are delighted to welcome members of KlimaSeniorinnen in Greece. On the occasion of their battle for more action and more effective protection of human rights from the impacts of the climate crisis, KlimaSeniorinnen are visiting Athens from 24 to 27 January in order to converse with a broader audience about their experience and to exchange views on ways to take further climate and social action.
KlimaSeniorinnen[1] are made up of women over 64 years old from Switzerland who have founded the Climate Seniors Association and have taken the Swiss government to the European Court of Human Rights, demanding action by their government against climate change. The case is expected to be heard in spring 2023 and its outcome could set an important legal precedent in the fight for climate justice.
Older women in Europe, like other vulnerable groups in other parts of the world, are the first to be disproportionately affected by the impacts of climate change, such as extreme, long-lasting heat waves. In any crisis we experience as a species, such as climate change, the first to be affected are the elderly, women, children, low-income population groups and groups already experiencing inequalities and social exclusion. Yet, these challenges can and must serve as a reason for civil society to take even more concerted action in unity, solidarity and justice.
Members of KlimaSeniorinnen have already visited Luxembourg and Spain to promote the cause and to support climate movements and similar efforts in these countries. The effort of these women is an excellent opportunity for a fruitful dialogue and cooperation between organisations that engage in different activities but share the protection of human rights as a common denominator.
During their stay in Athens, a series of events will take place:
- Tuesday 24/1
Closed event - "Invisible Routes in the city of Athens"
Guides of "Shedia" will show us the invisible routes of the city, where postgraduate students of the University of Athens and Greenpeace volunteers will have the opportunity to meet and discuss with the KlimaSeniorinnen.
- Wednesday 25/1
Event-Discussion – Open to the public and the media
Topic: "KlimaSeniorinnen at the European Court of Human Rights and the importance of their application for the climate movement, vulnerable groups and human rights"
- KlimaSeniorinnen (Rosmarie Wydler-Wälti and Jutta Steiner)
- Maria Gavouneli (President of the GNCHR, Professor of International Law, School of Law, University of Athens)
- Nikos Charalambidis (Director of the Greek office of Greenpeace)
- Elizabeth Mestheneos (PhD in Sociology – Researcher, former President of Age Platform Europe, Board Member of “50plus Greece”)
- Ioanna Markou (Co-founder of Association of Women over 40 – “A40s”).
Moderated by Odin Linardatou, journalist and ELIAMEP Head of Communications.
Location and time: Goethe-Institut Athen, 7-9 pm, 14-16 Omirou Street, Athens.
- Thursday 26/1
Closed event-discussion with the feminist movement
Meeting and discussion with eco-feminist groups, as well as women's movements and organisations.
Discussion coordination by Greenpeace.
[1] More information about KlimaSeniorinnen and their action can be found on their website.