GNCHR’s Input on the Draft Law “Equality in civil marriage, amendment of the Civil Code and other provisions”

GNCHR’s Input on the Draft Law “Equality in civil marriage, amendment of the Civil Code and other provisions”

Responsibly responding to the mission assigned to it by the legislator as the National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) and as the independent advisory body of the State, the Greek National Commission for Human Rights (GNCHR) monitors the issues that they are relevant to the promotion and protection of the rights of LGBTI+ persons, pointing out that it continues to work to prevent and combat all gender discrimination and secure their fundamental rights based on the supralegislative rules that enforce the elimination of stereotypes and social prejudices. In this context, the GNCHR submitted, in June 2021, its proposals and observations to the Committee established by the Prime Minister for the drafting of the National Strategy for the equality of LGBTI+, with the aim of the Greek government's substantial compliance with its obligations deriving from the international and European commitments it has undertaken.

In view of the submission to be voted on by the Minister of State's Parliament entitled: "Equality in civil marriage, amendment of the Civil Code and other provisions", the GNCHR makes the following observations-recommendations, promoting the adoption of a human-centered and consistent as possible as to the οφειλόμενη protection of human rights approach.

Read GNCHR’s Input here.


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