Rise of Greece in the EIGE Gender Equality Index

A rise of 4.6 points in the Gender Equality Index was recorded by Greece from 2020 until today according to data published by the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE). Although Greece still occupies the last positions and specifically the 24th position of the EU, in recent years it has seen one of the largest rises among the member states of the Union.
The GNCHR, as the National Human Rights Institution (NHRI), has been closely monitoring gender equality issues since its establishment, attaching highest importance to the protection of women's rights. This protection includes the assurance of the substantive equality and equal treatment of women in the exercise of all their economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights, but also the support of all vulnerable groups of women, such as women with disabilities, Roma women, refugee women, immigrant women, LGBTI+ women and every female victim of gender-based and domestic violence. In particular, the National Committee points out the need to adopt and implement strategies and measures that improve the balanced representation of the sexes in power and decision-making positions in politics and in policy-making as one of the basic conditions for combating discrimination and achieving substantive equality of gender.
See the EIGE Gender Equality Index here
See the TV Spot of the GNCHR campaign for equal representation of women in political life: