Participation of the GNCHR at the UNGCNG’s educational program “Business and Human Rights Accelerator”

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Participation of the GNCHR at the UNGCNG’s educational program
“Business and Human Rights Accelerator”


The Greek National Commission for Human Rights (GNCHR) has participated for two consecutive years (2023 & 2024) in the educational program "Business & Human Rights Accelerator," organized by the UN Global Compact Network Greece (UNGCNG), the Local Network of the UN Secretary-General's special initiative for corporate sustainability. The program engages companies of varying sizes (large corporations, small and medium-sized enterprises) and of different sectors, with business executives attending the sessions covering a broad spectrum of responsibilities, such as Sustainable Development, Procurement/Supply Chain, Human Resources, and Compliance.

Maria Gavouneli, President of the GNCHR and professor in International Law at the Law School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, serves as the lead speaker and facilitator of the program. The program equips participants with a thorough understanding of how business activities may impact on human rights, as well as provides them with the necessary knowledge and tools to effectively align their strategies and operations with human rights standards. This alignment is guided by the UN Global Compact’s Ten Principles, on human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption, while also aiming on the advance of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The close cooperation between the UNGCNG and the GNCHR reflects their shared commitment to promoting human rights in the framework of sustainable development.

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