Conference for the 75th anniversary of the Council of Europe

The Human Rights Advisor of the GNCHR, Dr. Christos Tsevas participated on December 5 and 6, 2024 in the conference organized by the University of Grenoble-Alpes and the University's Center for Legal Research (Centre de Recherches Juridiques) on the 75th anniversary of the Council of Europe: “The Council of Europe: How to move forward after 75 years? The past, present and future of an international organization in its seventies”.
The title of the presentation was the following: “Human Rights and the Environment: Towards a new Instrument of the Council of Europe?”. The presentation focused on the right to a healthy environment, the work of the Council of Europe’s Steering Committee on Environment and Human Rights (CDDH-ENV), as well as the challenges of the findings of the Committee’s feasibility study on different scenarios, including a future Convention on Environment and Human Rights, a Protocol to the ECHR, other binding instruments or mechanisms. The role of the GNCHR and the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENHHRI) in environmental protection issues was highlighted.
The Conference attempted to raise institutional and political issues, which appear as challenges for the Council of Europe, as well as to follow the thematic approach to issues such as environmental protection, migration, artificial intelligence, SLAPPs, disinformation, gender-based violence and the Istanbul Convention, social rights and the European Social Charter, etc.
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