The GNCHR Reference Report on “Human Rights Due Diligence. Responsible State and Business Conduct under Directive (EU) 2024/1760”


The Greek National Commission for Human Rights (NCHR) released a Reference Report titled “Human Rights Due Diligence. Responsible State and Business Conduct under Directive (EU) 2024/1760”. The Report, along with the two-day conference “Business and Human Rights under the European Directive 2024/1760” (November 21-22, 2024), is part of the program “Strengthening Corporate Responsibility and Human Rights Compliance under the CSDDD in Greece” implemented by the Greek Commission in collaboration with the Danish Institute for Human Rights.

The Report provides a detailed analysis of the new European framework for corporate due diligence, examining the protection of fundamental rights in the Greek legal order, with a particular focus on critical areas such as gender equality, the environment, labor rights, and access to legal remedies and support for victims of violations. Special emphasis is given on the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. In light of these considerations, the GNCHR formulates Recommendations to the state and businesses, highlighting the necessary institutional interventions for the effective protection of human rights.


Read the Summary and Recommendations here

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