Recording Mechanism of Informal Forced Returns - Annual Report 2023

The Annual Report 2023 of the Recording Mechanism of Incidents of Informal Forced Returns:



The Recording Mechanism of Informal Forced Returns constitutes a synergy between the Greek National Commission for Human Rights (GNCHR) and civil society organizations active in the field, offering legal, medical, psychosocial, or other services to third country nationals. The organisations that are Members of the Recording Mechanism have legal personality and are legally represented in Greece.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Representation in Greece within the framework of its mandate, contributes its expertise and technical support to the Recording Mechanism, as a co-operating Agency.

The Recording Mechanism aims to monitor, record and report informal forced return incidents of third country nationals from Greece to other countries. It seeks to promote and consolidate respect of the principle of non-refoulement as well as to safeguard guarantees and compliance with legal procedures. Moreover, the aim of the Recording Mechanism is to boost accountability for reported human rights violations alleged to have occurred during informal forced returns of third country nationals from Greece to other countries. More information: 



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